esoteric bullshit

Thirteen to Know Me

@jamesmckz shared the following challenge on X earlier this month:

No cheating - your Quietus style Bakers Dozen. 13 albums (off the top of your head) to know you by. Not looking for a perfect list, looking for a list that you instantly regret posting because you then remember something else.

I approached my response largely as a list of albums that have meant something to me in my life — not necessarily what I’m actively listening to at the moment. Many of these albums I’ve not listened to much in years, but I consider them pivotal, essential listening for me.1

  1. Presented in no particular order and, as the prompt outlines, with a lot of regrets. ↩︎

  2. Los Campesinos! announced their seventh full LP a few weeks ago. ↩︎

  3. Which I love dearly; reflecting on this list, I’m debating with myself as to whether this should really be Romance is Boring and I’m full of baloney. ↩︎

  4. Unsurprisingly, given that it is the last he released before he passed. ↩︎